Vlad the Impala
A 1965 Chevy Impala that sucks blood through his pleather interior. Born in Moscowitz, recently imported to Yorkadelphia City. Following his Import he has become quite depressed, in Moscowitz he was one of the most retubatile villains in Yorkadelphia he has seemed to fade into obscurity seen as nothing more than a catchy name, while in Mocowitz he was seen as a topical villain, in Yorkadelphia the vampiric fad has came and passed and his extra skirmishes and feedings don’t even make the front page news. Depressed and feeling without purpose Vlad has found consul with Madame E at the weekly Vigilante Anonymous Gatherings on a way to still maintain relevant in a world who no longer cares about vampires. Feeling irrelevant, Vlad takes a back seat from crime and attempts to assist his VAG cohorts in their problems. Following an ongoing paranoia, not helped by his growing dependence on medical marijuana, disparaged he devoted his time to dealing with his arch nemesis Van Hellsing.
Aliases: Vladimir T. Impala
Alignment: Evil
Team: Rouge Villain, Vigilante Anonymous Attendee
Powers: Vampirism through pleather interior
Quotes: “Well, I have been having thoughts on death mostly.” Issue #4 Cheap Sunglasses
First Appearance: Issue #1 Civic Unrest
Featured In: Issue #1 Civic Unrest,Issue #4 Cheap Sunglasses, Issue #9 More than a Man, Less than a Horse, Issue #10 Take Me to You Feeler, Episode #11 Three Finger Death Punch, Issue #12 Nobody Puts Stage Fright in the Corner