The Disabler
Las Troit Bad Ass The Disabler, mostly keeps to him-self. He doesn’t think of himself as an extra-hero or extra-villain but he is totally willing to bring a city to it’s knees. Following the horrific lose of his family, he also horrifically lost his will and the use of his legs, in that order. Seeking Therapy and things to distract him he attends Vigilante Anonymous Gatherings, mostly to replenish his thermos with moderately good coffee. He relates to Stage Fright over the fact that they both have names given to them that they can’t stand.
The Disabler is typically very even tempered until he feels disrespected, this is when his anger gets the best of him and he cripples an entire city block, punishing not just the aggressor but everyone in the surrounding blast of the crippling wave.
Alias: Tony Gray
Alignment: Unclear
Team: Vigilante Anonymous Attendee
Powers: A Crippling Wave emanating from his chair that scales with anger
Quotes: “I just come for the coffee, It’s shit but It’s consistent.” (Issue #1)
First Appearance: The Extrables: Issue #1 Civic Unrest
Featured In: Issue #1 Civic Unrest, Issue #2 More Than a Name, Issue #3 That Crippling Feeling, Issue #4 Cheap Sunglasses, Issue #6 Handy Capable, Issue #9 More Than a Man Less Than a Horse