
Once just some loner kid from the barrio wanting more for himself and his family. After drinking some magically tainted water. Quesakilla realized that his family and other locals have started to actually listen to him. With all this power Quesakilla quickly quashes the current Colombian clique (in Mexico de Niño, located in south Yorkadelphia City, NJ). But now as he clenches the territory of south Yorkadelphia he wants more and to find a way to cure is tender toasted face.

Alignment: Evil

Team: The Quesakillas Club

Team Members: Pico De Guyos, Pico De Girlos and the Gorditarillas

Powers:  Extra explosive manufacturing, Extra influence, Extra good at speaking Español

Quotes: “Leave now mi amigos I have you out, numerado-ed!” (Minisode #1 Mucho Poblano)

First Appearance: Minisode #1 Mucho Poblano

Featured In: Minisode #1 Mucho Poblano, Minisode #4.5 New in Town I, Minisode #10.5 Frightsicle II