Madame Empath
Madam E's birthright extra ability is that she can sense indivividuals internal within the same room emotional distress, through auras. Madam E formerly known as Madame Empath served as Monkeys Paw's second in command and lover. Was the first victim of Monkeys Paw's dubious power elevating her to be able to have the extra ability of being able to collect the entire emotional of an individual upon touch and with the disability being the cost of her vanity. Upon Monkeys Paw's mysterious and sudden disappearance, Madam E was left alone in scared world of her own creation to wallow in the despair that she helped cause. Looking for purpose and to write the wrongs of her past she started a support group the Vigilante Anonymous Group (or VAG for short) for struggling or forgotten extras with no judgement to which moral side they fell. Following the creation of the VAG Madam E quickly lost her vanity aging rapidly as she helped build confidence of the bargain bin Extras.
Aliases: Madame E
Alignment: Unclear
Team: Leader of Vigilante Anonymous Gatherings
Powers: Extra Empath
Quotes: “Order, order yes we all agree Centhorse is the best, and Amigvillian is well… the worst but we don’t judge here, we put down our differences and try to be better versions of ourselves.” (Issue #2)
First Appearance: Issue #1 Civic Unrest
Featured In: Issue #1 Civic Unrest, Issue #2 More than a Name, Issue #4 Cheap Sunglasses, Issue #8 She’s Got A Way, Issue #10 Take Me to Your Feeler, Issue #12 Nobody Puts Stage Fright in the Corner