Experienced boxer turned demon Knockout has lived a hard life. He was born and raised in the seedy Chicomptown with his brother Blackout. Quickly becoming a staple of the amateur boxing circuit with the assistance of his Father. Although Knockout looked up to his brother Blackout while the relationship between Knockout and their father resulted in Blackout being distant. Until that one terrible night where Knockout was decapitated in a horrible car crash only to be found by a demonic parasite which spawned a hellspawn body to his dethatched neck and head creating the man-thing you see before you Knockout.
Member of the Octarches and most well known for his freakish strength when knocked out he has become a staple for dealing with tough big baddies that need an extra serving of walloping.
Alignment: Good
Team: The Octarches
Powers: Demon Possessed Strength
Quotes: “Hey man, Rush Hour wasn’t that bad either.” (Issue #9)
First Appearance: Issue #2 More Than a Name
Featured In: Issue #7 Alvin and the Octarches, Issue #9 More than a Man Less than a Horse, Issue #10 Take me to Your Feeler