

From the darkness Infestus is more of a force than a human. She has the extra ability to cause plague and disease by breathing into her prey’s mouth.  She stays behind the scenes scheming and taking an assassin’s approach to combat.  It is rumored that her beauty is not without a setback, that her face is putrid pile of rotting flesh.  These rumors are unsubstantiated as no one who has ever scene has lived to prove or disprove this rumor. She has a loose association with villains Petepocalypse, Will Power  and Dethamphetamine. Her intentions with her partners Will Power and Petepocalypse are unclear.  Quite sly she is known in name only to most Yorkadelphia City citizens feared to the point where children ask their parents to check their closets for Infestus before they slumber.

Alignment: Evil

Team: The Five Seasons

Previous Team: The Six Senses

Powers:  Extra Plague Breath, Extra Disease-Ridden Touch

Quotes: “Please, act your age, not your.. weight” (Issue #8 She’s Got A Way)

First Appearance: Issue #1 Civic Unrest

Featured In: Issue #1 Civic Unrest, Issue #4 Cheap Sunglasses, Issue #8 She’s Got A Way, Issue #10 Take me to your Feeler