Glu Kong
Hailing from the affluent Yorkadelphia City’s Asia town training martial arts at a young age as an outlet for physical prowess. As his training progressed so did his natural power. “Hit hard tissue with soft” and his body adjusted ensuring that every rib he punched was matched with a jelly like fist, or a body shot matched with a foot as hard as an anvil. Glu Kong’s agility and power per pound has earned him his spot on the mighty Octarches. His level headedness and battle strategy has kept the Octarches only in battles they know they can win.
Alignment: Good
Team: The Octarches
Powers: Non-Newtonian Skin
Quotes: “No, It’s okay. I understand. Solidarity. I loved Cradle 2 the Grave.” (Issue #9)
First Appearance: The Extrables: Issue #2 More Than a Name
Featured In: Issue #7 Alvin and the Octarches, Issue #9 More than a Man Less than a Horse, Issue #10 Take me to Your Feeler