Crosswind is an under-appreciated Extra by most of his peers due to his style and cliché hero tendencies. He has the Extra ability to control direction/pressure of proximate wind and generate a strong wind gust from his lips which he can then manipulate. His lack of controversy unlike other popular Extras has increased his celebrity with the youth making him a very empathetic character.
Alignment: Good
Team: Vigilante Anonymous Attendee
Previous Teams: The Octarches
Powers: Wind Control, Fan Combat, Gust of Wind Breath
Quotes: “I’ll huff and puff and hit you with a cold front from the West!” (Issue #7 Alvin and the Octarches)
First Appearance: The Extrables: Issue #7 Alvin and the Octarches
Featured In: Issue #7 Alvin and the Octarches, Issue #9 More Than A Man, Less Than a Horse, Issue #10 Take Me to Your Feeler Issue #12 Nobody Puts Stage Fright in the Corner