
The Extrables:

Seen as a dubious villain by the fair patrons of Yorkadelphia City. Although his extra abilities may seem underwhelming he is frequently on the the Yorkadelphia’s Most wanted for bank robberies and extreme public intoxication. Centhorse although technically one quarter human does not speak english due to his horse jowls and communicates only  through centurion or horse. He is a regular attendee and favorite of the Vigilante Anonymous Gatherings and frequents debates with Dr. Too Little (both of them) and Cultural Appropriation  at local bar Richard’s Horse. An abomination of a creature half centar, half centar, BUT JUST THE HORSE HALFS! More than a man, less than a horse, Centhorse.

Alignment: Evil

Team: Rouge Villain, Vigilante Anonymous Attendee

Powers:  All the brawn of a full grown horse

Quotes: “oh Hellll, NAwhhhh” Issue #9 More Than a Man, Less Than a Horse

First Appearance: Issue #2 More Than A Name

Featured In: Issue #2 More Than A Name, Issue #4 Cheap Sunglasses, Issue #9 More Than a Man, Less Than a Horse